Lantmännen Unibake comes to Amsterdam for a dedicated 2.5 day Sanitation Essentials Training (Video)

March 20, 2019
Source: Commercial Food Sanitation

More than technical knowledge increase; allignment, sharing and team-building all in one.

Lantmännen Unibake invests in knowledge by sending 25 of its Sanitation, Quality, Operations and Maintenance leaders to Sanitation Essentials Training in Amsterdam.

This short video gives a sense of these Lantmännen Unibake professionals experienced their time in this CFS dedicated training; how these colleagues from various plants across Europe and US got to know each other better, and how they worked, shared and learned together.

Don’t take our word for it, see what some of the participants have to say.

“I learned a lot of new information. The workbook provided is great reference material. It really allows me to focus fully on listening and participating during the training. I am certain I will reference it again many times when I get back to the plant.”

Patricia Jungebrand, Plant Manager, Lantmännen Unibake Sweden AB

“The Sanitation Essentials Training was just very well organized. I have been to training before, and when you hear 2,5 days it sounds long. But this training just kept getting better. Very nice job with the ongoing interaction, the practical workshops and all the activities to reinforce the theory. It was a lot of fun!”

Kasia Rudawska, Quality Auditor Supervisor, Lantmännen Unibake UK

“It was great how the CFS team organized the groups. Initially it was a bit scary, but now after 2 days, I am happy I got to know and collaborate with colleagues I did not know yet. I made new connections and was able to exchange helpful information. I believe that is very good for our company.”

Zoe Yates, Hygiene Supervisor, Lantmännen Unibake UK

“From an operations perspective, the main learning for me was that we need to do a better job at “visualizing” for our teams. For example the importance of clear instructions and using pictures became very obvious with the LEGO exercise in the classroom. Another example was the visualization of the minuscule amount of allergen that can have potential deadly consequences. Those activities made it so much more “real” to me. I definitely plan to use them at my plant so everyone can understand their role in making sure the food we ship is always safe.”

Silver Arrak, Production Manager, Lantmännen Unibake Estonia

“As a Maintenance Manager the hands-on cleaning workshops were eye opening. Our team had to clean equipment that was of a very impressive Hygienic Design, and even then it was difficult to get it adequately cleaned. From now on, when I am involved in a project, I will remember this and spend more energy and effort on designing with sanitation in mind.”

Marek Ossowski, Maintenance Manager, Lantmännen Unibake Poland

Tip: CFS Institute

For more digital learning opportunities, don’t forget to check out the CFS Institute.

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