OSI Asia Pacific completes collective learning journey with CFS Dedicated Training week in Shanghai (Video)

June 11, 2023
Source: Commercial Food Sanitation

In June 2023, OSI Asia Pacific plant team members convened in Shanghai for intensive week of Sanitation Essentials Training and Hygienic Design Training. The event witnessed international and cross-functional collaboration among participants spanning production, quality assurance and control, sanitation, and engineering roles.

This training week, tailored exclusively for OSI, aimed to fortify understanding of sanitation programs and execution, as well as the application of hygienic design principles in food manufacturing. The training predominantly featured hands-on breakout sessions, reinforcing practical application of theoretical knowledge.

Thank you to all the CFS trainers for the professional training, all the practical exercises, and course arrangements you have provided to the OSI Asia Pacific participating SME’s. I’ve received lots of positive feedback from our team members on the learnings they have gained through the dedicated Sanitation Essentials Training and Hygienic Design Training in Shanghai. The experience and knowledge they have secured will be of tremendous value in OSI’s endeavors to drive continuous improvements in Preventive Maintenance and Hygienic Design.”

Arnold Hsu
VP – Quality Assurance
OSI Asia Pacific

Dedicated training sessions naturally foster team cohesion through collaborative and competitive activities. OSI colleagues from diverse plants and departments established connections, exchanged best practices, and aligned their food safety terminology. CFS dedicated training sessions are a great way to nurture teamwork and collaborative spirit.

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The CFS training team extends its gratitude: "OSI Asia Pacific, we are honored to have contributed to your food safety journey. It was a pleasure to host you in Shanghai. Thank you for your commitment to food safety."

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