3-A SSI Webinar: Advancing Food Safety through Hygienic Design - Hygienic Design for Produce Processing

December 18, 2023
Source: 3-A SSI

3-A Sanitary Standards Inc. (3-A SSI) is offering on-demand access to presentations by leading industry experts from their spring education program. Seize the opportunity to explore presentations covering current developments, future challenges, and emerging opportunities in the realm of hygienic design.

Cari Rasmussen, Food Safety Manager at Commercial Food Sanitation (CFS), is a featured presenter in the 3-A SSI Fall 2023 Webinar Series, where she specifically addressed the topic of Hygienic Design in produce processing.

Hygienic design challenges are pervasive across the food industry, and the produce sector is no exception. These challenges begin in the field and persist through the processing stages at the plant. This presentation will focus on the current state of design in the process and how improvements can enhance food safety. The discussion will include thinking holistically about design and applying hygienic design principles to equipment, infrastructure, and plant layout.

Dive into Cari's presentation to gain insights into how the produce industry can leverage hygienic design for enhanced food safety and productivity. Don't miss the chance to tap into the expertise of other industry leaders in the free 3-A SSI 2023 fall webinar series.

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